"...Our God is near us when we pray." (Deut. 4:7)
Political, military and social activities took place at Mizpah. Mizpah is a “spiritual gateway” for intercessors to touch the heart of God in prayer to transform our nation. The nation’s capital is our political, military, and social gateway and it serves as the head of state. It is our call to national prayer. It was at the heights of Mizpah that God defeated Israel’s enemies. The watchmen, gatekeepers and the body of Christ have been called to intercede for our nation. The Spirit of Rebellion has swept over America. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” (1 Timothy 4:1-2) “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou has rejected the word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee from the being king.” (1 Samuel 15:23) Lucifer organized a rebellion and revolt in heaven against God. He is currently organizing a rebellion and revolt against God on earth.
The masses of people in America are under the direct influences of the powers of darkness. Seducing spirits of rebellion have grown in power over America. Christians are being persecuted and martyred in our nation and globally for preaching Jesus Christ. The watchmen and gatekeepers of America must unite and assemble at the Mizpah Gate to intercede for our political, military, government, religious, and educational leaders, and media to transform our nation’s social and moral climate to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to pray that our leaders will yield their minds, will, and decisions to the wisdom of God. This is a call to arms “Pray for our Nation.” Samuel subdued the Philistines at Mizpah. Samuel had called a national conference of the Israelites to gather at Mizpah in order to repent for their idolatry of worshipping pagan deities. (1 Samuel 7:1-14) The Israelites learned that prayer is the way to secure God’s protection. The Old Testament provides Mizpah locations and settings where God met His people and utterly destroyed their enemies. Nations were defeated in the heights and valleys of Mizpah territories.
Later Samuel called a new national conference at Mizpah. It was here where Saul was chosen king. (1 Samuel 10:17-27) Mizpah was a place in Gilead where Jacob built a monument as confirmation of the covenant between his father-in-law and himself. (Ge. 31-49) Mizpah of Gilead was the home of Jephthah the judge, a place of refuge. (1 Samuel 22:3) The Babylonians appointed Gedaliah as military governor in Mizpah, and he helped repair the foundation gate of Jerusalem under Nehemiah. (Neh. 3:7-19) While David was being pursued by Saul, he took his parents to Mizpah where the king of Moab resided for protection. (1 Samuel 22:3) In Judges 19:1-25, as a result of the death of the Levites concubine, Mizpah was the rallying point for the Israelite tribes. It is clear from a biblical standpoint to say that the surrounding territories of Mizpah were much stronger for military defense because of its strong political influence. Modern Kerak was the capital of Moab. Mizpah is another name for Kir, the etymology of watchtower. (1 Samuel 22:3)
Join the MGPN team and stand firm in God's mighty power as we pray for change in the world of so much darkness, political corruption, perversion, greed, sickness and worldly disasters.
"God Is With Us" (Isaiah 7:14)
Together We Could Change Things Through the Power of Prayer
Time to Silence the Enemies Voice. Break curses over your family and yourself, the church, city, state, and nation. Repent, seek a Word of the Lord, and the Fruit of the Spirit.
Time to pray for God's Divine Provisions. Pray for the Lord's strength, wisdom, abilities, freedom from bondage, and any limitations. Pray to become an overcomer and victory in Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the church, the Lord's divine protection, and direction. (Ex. 3:21-22; Ps. 5:12; Esther 2:9, 15, 17; Zech. 9:12; M't 26:33)
Time for Spiritual Warfare. Time to war against the principalities in the high place of the kingdom of darkness that has set out to destroy and attack the body of Christ, and put them in bondage. This a time of heightened Satanic activity. Time to pray for marriages and the purity of marriage. (Ex. 12 – 14; Acts 20:7-12)
The Last Watch of the Night. Pray for deliverance and God’s resurrection power. It is a time for dead things to come alive in Jesus Christ (Ps. 18:28; 19:2) Pray against the storms of life. (M’t 14:25)
Time of Declarations. A time of declarations that Jesus Christ is Lord and Head of all, release of His Holy Spirit and Divine Guidance for the day.
Time of Harvest, Righteousness, and Healing. Pray for harvest, prosperity, death to sin and unrighteousness. Pray for forgiveness and healing in the hearts of the people and the land.
Time to Enter the Holy of Holies. Seek out the secret place of the Most High God and abide under the shadow of his wings. (Ps. 91)
Renew Covenant, Praise and Worship. Pray for renewal of covenant with the Lord. Praise Him and Worship Him for His goodness and grace.
"Be strong in the Lord in His mighty power." (Eph. 6:10)
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